Dr. Rajendra Prasad College is approved by the National Council of Teacher Education (N.C.T.E.), Bhopal and affiliated to the Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur and possesses a no objection certificate from State Council of Higher Education, Govt. of Chhattisgarh.
The B.Ed. Program aims to train teachers for the schools in the government/private sector in India. The curriculum and evaluation systems adopted by the college are similar to those used in the typical Colleges of Education. Emphasis is given to the development of domain knowledge and teaching skills. They take foundational and experiential coursework to enable them to meet the students with linguistic, cultural, learning and behavioral diversity.
The practical focus of our programmes means that Education students enjoy hands-on work experience in relevant school settings throughout their studies. Childhood Studies students undertake practical experience each semester and complete a research project in an area linked to their career goals and aspirations. Work based learning allows students of both programmes to put theory into practice in a real-life setting.
The vision of Dr. Rajendra Prasad College is to provide quality Education in India with special emphasis on Primary Education in both urban and semi urban areas. If we have to give good Primary Education for our children who are the future citizens of India, there is great need to have quality teachers with a knowledge of innovative teaching methodologies, and that is what Dr. Rajendra Prasad College (B.Ed.) undertakes to do.